Saturday, March 3, 2012

Singing In the Rain

“It never rains in Sydney,” or so I was told on a number of occasions by a number of different taxi drivers, shop owners, and waitresses. In just about every instance it had the air of an apology for the stubborn drizzle that misted the city for the majority of the three days I was there.
Even with the rain that shouldn’t have been there, I enjoyed my visit. I was initially not that enthralled with Sydney. It’s hard to say why exactly, but I did not have the same immediate affinity with Sydney that I did with Melbourne (Post to follow Shortly). I was, however, determined to wring as much out of my time in this city of note even if it meant getting a little wet.
In this respect my visit was certainly a success, I walked all around town and came to like it more and more (I also got soaked). My hostel seemed to be located on the border between chinatown and the CBD. Thus my first excursions were both not entirely intelligible (everything was written in asian characters) and not particularly captivating (going to school in New York City has numbed me to tall office buildings). Still, as I pressed on a little further I was rewarded with the beauty of Sydney Harbor and well kept Royal Botanical Gardens. I hope to make a return visit (preferably when its not raining) so that I might take better advantage of the more peripheral neighborhoods of Glebe, Oxford street, and Kings Cross.
Sydney also offered me an opportunity to bring my camera back from the dead. I just happened to stumble upon a film camera repair shop on one of my midnight strolls. I went back during more standard office hours and had a working camera within twenty-four hours (special thanks to the folks at the Camera Service Center!). Unfortunately my camera wasn’t fixed in time for me to really use it in the city, yet another reason for a return trip.
After a great number of serendipitous strolls in some stubborn precipitation (thought I’d try to flex my liberal art muscles and add some linguistic fluff), I was a little bummed to leave the Opera House, and the rest of Sydney behind. Hopefully I’ll get another chance to explore the city a little better.
Me serenading Sydney