Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Van People

After finishing up the 'study' part of our study abroad experiences, a number of my SIT course mates and myself took to the planes, trains, and automobiles to soak in some more of the abroad. Leaving behind our 20-40pg papers we embraced our Backpacker selves and headed North. Among this larger SIT alumnae group I joined up with two lovely ladies named Helena and Liz. Having seen a number of 'Jucy' vans during our many travels around Australia, we thought it would be pretty neat to be nomads for a week. So we flew up to the tropical city in the North East of Australia called 'Cairns' (pronounced 'cans'). From there we rented a 4 person Jucy van and did our best to make an adventure out of it.

We most definitely succeeded. Between driving on the wrong side of the road, navigating some poorly marked routes, feeding wallabies, sliding down waterfalls, snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef, and living out of a van we enjoyed our twenty-something selves. Some snapshots from the five day trip:

Meet Vinnie the van in Camp-Mode.

Meet Vinnie the van in Driving-Mode.

Me being weird on a rock in some water.

Vinnie and some Van People (Liz and Me).

Me fixing up the penthouse and nice shot of the kitchen.

Van people getting clean in Juliann Falls
(not sure that's spelled right).

A theology major next to the Cathedral Fig Tree. 

Helan and Liz snorkeling it up on the GBR
 (quite possibly the last picture to be taken by my not so water proof digital camera)