Friday, November 15, 2013

"Dino Eggs"

My Chinese tutor back in the states told me about 皮蛋 (pi dan) before I left for China, and it sounded pretty cool. It's a chicken egg that by some traditional Chinese magic/trade skill is caked in mud and tea leaves and then cooked in such a way that it becomes like a hard boiled egg that is translucent. Sounds kinda cool right? I mean just look at the thing, it looks like a dinosaur egg!

 As it turns out it is a very acquired taste. The taste is best described by the color. I ate the first one and then offered the second to my Chinese coworkers, all but one of whom said they don't eat pi dan. I can understand their decision.

I can now add pi dan to my growing list of strange eats in China. 

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