Sunday, November 24, 2013

"Good Old School"

Aside from a rather inappropriate portion of donkey meat over last weekend, I haven't eaten anything particularly unusual recently. In fact, this past week on the whole has been pretty straightforward. Not in such a way as to be boring, but rather in a way that is steadying. It was my first full week in the class room; and while I am continuing to make up my syllabus as I go, I feel like things are coming together. Classes are productive, students are behaving (and hopefully learning), I'm falling into a rhythm—the ebb and flow of life in Zhengzhou. 

With some money in my pocket from my most recent paycheck and some free time early in the week, I bought a bicycle. I could've purchased a much cheaper/run down bicycle as there is no shortage of those for sale, but I chose to solidify my friends and family's suspicions that I am indeed a hipster. I bought a fixed gear bicycle. I've been using any chance I can get to cruise around ZZ and am starting to not only get the hang of, but also to appreciate the simplicity of life on a fixie. Admittedly, it's not all milk and honey and I've had a few close calls (definitely glad I got a front brake). Still, I'm glad I bought it and my students and coworkers think it is pretty cool too, so it's become a conversation piece. 
Beanie + Black Skinny Jeans + Fixie = Hipster

My other adventure this week was to the Henan Regional Museum, which is only a few minutes down the street from where I live and work. It's free for foreigners and I'll definitely be getting my money's worth during my stay in Zhengzhou. It's not very large, but the exhibits are well done and informative (and more importantly have English translations). It'll take several more visits for me to appreciate the grand history of China, but a more immediate pleasure was the ancient music concert. Everyday the museum has a short concert where performers use actual ancient instruments (one of the drums is 2,000 years old) to perform traditional music. It was well worth the visit. 

Ain't No School Like the Old School

Similar scene minus the red light. 

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